集微访谈 | Chris Miller:中国成熟制程芯片不停扩产,让美国感到恐慌

来源:爱集微 #芯片法案# #成熟制程# #俄勒冈# #微芯科技#

【本期受访人:《芯片战争》作者,塔夫茨大学弗莱彻学院国际历史副教授克里斯·米勒(Chris Miller)】


Chris Miller:我不认为美国商务部的供应链审查和数据收集的行动意味着他们将为成熟芯片生产商提供更多资金。



集微访谈:《芯片法案》目前对企业方向已经有两笔款项落地,分别给了军工芯片承包商 BAE SystemsMCU大型供应商Microchip Technology。不过划拨的金额都不大,分别是3500万美元和1.62亿美元。从中我们能看出什么风向?

Chris Miller:前两笔赠款相对较小,因为完成小交易比大交易更容易,因此也更快。更大的赠款可能会在今年晚些时候发放。 但我确实认为,两笔最初的拨款表明,《芯片法案》将部分侧重于支持美国国防工业基地的需求以及产品广泛用于民用制造基地的MCU生产商。

集微访谈:负责“芯片法案”拨款的重要人物之一是美国参议院拨款小组委员会主席珍妮·沙欣 (Jeanne Shaheen) ,她也是来自新罕布什尔州的美国资深参议员,BAE的一个重要的制造基地,微电子中心 (MEC) 位于新罕布什尔州Nashua。我们是否可以得出结论,她动用了个人政治资源促成了这笔款项的落地?

Chris Miller:事情不是这样的。评估拨款的团队完全不受国会直接政治压力的影响。国会会施加一些压力,但公司必须提交详细的资金申请计划,这些申请要经过专业人士的审查,并且还要经过公司和政府之间的广泛谈判。BAE获得资助主要是因为其在军事系统生产方面的作用。


Chris Miller:俄勒冈州是美国芯片制造的主要地点。例如,英特尔在那里拥有大量制造基地和基础设施,Microchip在俄勒冈州也设有工厂。(校对/朱秩磊)

(附 英文版邮件采访)

ijiwei TalkDepartment of Commerce is taking proactive measures to assess the U.S. semiconductor supply chain by collecting data from U.S. companies on the sourcing of their legacy chips.Does this indicate Commerce Department will distribute more funds to legacy chips fabs instead of cutting edge manufacturers?Based on the announcement of Department of Commerce last December, will the mature-nodes semiconductor be the new US-Sino high tech battle field from now on? 

Chris Miller: I don't think the supply chain review and data collection means that the Commerce Department will give more funds to legacy producers. The Chips Act already intended to allocate some funds to mature node production. I think the supply chain review is the first of what will be several steps to study the mature node market and understand how the vast expansion in China's production capacity for mature node semiconductors will impact the market. In Washington as well as in Brussels and Tokyo there is deep concern that China's subsidies for mature node construction will distort the market. Many industry players worry about overcapacity in mature nodes. Chinese firms are nevertheless rapidly expanding factory construction, which could exacerbate this issue. I think this is likely to be a future trade dispute between China and advanced economies.

ijiwei TalkBiden administration chooses BAE Systems for first Chips Act grant, and its second grant under a new program would help Microchip Technology. Could we summarize some similarities or resemblances between these two grants ( military related, relatively small award, and....)?

Chris Miller: I think the first two grants were relatively small because it is easier -- and thus faster -- to finish small deals rather than big ones. The bigger grants will likely come later this year. But I do think the two initial grants show that the Chips Act will focus in part on supporting US defense industrial base needs as well as microcontroller producers whose products are used widely in the civilian manufacturing base. 

ijiwei TalkJeanne Shaheen, chair of the U.S. Senate Appropriations Subcommittee that funds the Department of Commerce, is also the senior United States senator from New Hampshire, and  BAE Systems’ Microelectronics Center (MEC) is in Nashua,New Hampshire. Could we conclude, she is the one who  facilitates this deal? 

Chris Miller:No, that's not how it works. The team assessing grants is fairly insulated from direct political pressure from Congress. There will be some Congressional pressure, but companies have to submit detailed applications for funds that are vetted by professionals and involve extensive negotiations between companies and the government. The fact that BAE got a grant is primarily due to its role in producing for military systems.

ijiwei TalkAs for Microchip, It’s the second major grant under the $52 billion CHIPS Act legislation Congress approved in 2022 and the first to an Oregon manufacturer. Comparing to the traditional tech-hub states such as California, Texas, New York, what’ the advantage of Oregon, regarding tax policies, labor forces and building costs?

Chris Miller: Oregon is a major location for chipmaking in the US. Intel has substantial facilities there, for example. Microchip is building there because it already has facilities in Oregon. 

责编: 张轶群
来源:爱集微 #芯片法案# #成熟制程# #俄勒冈# #微芯科技#



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